Custom Obs Parameters

Simulation specific values for all Obs parameters can be set with a vector of length OM@nsim in OM@cpars$SLOT.

The correlations are maintained when the custom parameters are sampled. See Generating Correlated Life-History Parameters for more examples.

Catch Observations

Simulation and year-specific values for catch observation error can be added with OM@cpars$Cobs_y with dimensions numeric matrix dim=c(nsim, nyears+proyears).

Effort Observations

Simulation and year-specific values for catch observation error can be added with OM@cpars$Eobs_y with dimensions numeric matrix dim=c(nsim, nyears+proyears).

Biological Sampling

Simulation specific sampling bias for observed biological parameters can be as a vector of length OM@nsim with:

  • OM@cpars$LenMbias
  • OM@cpars$Mbias
  • OM@cpars$Kbias
  • OM@cpars$t0bias
  • OM@cpars$Linfbias
  • OM@cpars$LFCbias
  • OM@cpars$LFSbias

Time-varying sampling bias is not possible at this stage.

To set simulation specific values for the observed steepness, use OM@cpars$hsim as a vector of length OM@nsim with the assumed steepness values.

Surveys and Indices

Simulation and year-specific values for observation error for index of total biomass be added with OM@cpars$Ierr_y with dimensions numeric matrix dim=c(nsim, nyears+proyears).

Simulation and year-specific values for observation error for index of spawning biomass be added with OM@cpars$SpIerr_y with dimensions numeric matrix dim=c(nsim, nyears+proyears).

Simulation and year-specific values for observation error for index of vulnerable biomass be added with OM@cpars$VIerr_y with dimensions numeric matrix dim=c(nsim, nyears+proyears).

Simulation specific values for hyperstability/depletion parameter (beta) for index of total biomass be added with OM@cpars$I_beta with dimensions numeric vector length nsim.

Simulation specific values for hyperstability/depletion parameter (beta) for index of spawning biomass be added with OM@cpars$SpI_beta with dimensions numeric vector length nsim.

Simulation specific values for hyperstability/depletion parameter (beta) for index of vulnerable biomass be added with OM@cpars$VI_beta with dimensions numeric vector length nsim.

Simulation and year-specific values for observed abundance be added with OM@cpars$Aerr_y with dimensions numeric matrix dim=c(nsim, nyears+proyears).

Reference Points

Simulation specific sampling bias for observed reference points can be as a vector of length OM@nsim with:

  • OM@cpars$FMSY_M
  • OM@cpars$BMSY_B0
  • OM@cpars$Irefbias
  • OM@cpars$Crefbias
  • OM@cpars$Brefbias
  • OM@cpars$Dbias
  • OM@cpars$hbias
  • OM@cpars$Recbias
  • OM@cpars$sigmaRbias

Time-varying sampling bias is not possible at this stage.