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openMSE Management Procedures

There are a large number of management procedures available in the three openMSE packages: MSEtool, DLMtool, and SAMtool.

All MPs are available when the openMSE package is loaded.

MSEtool MPs

The MSEtool package contains 5 reference MPs:

avail('MP', 'MSEtool')
## Searching for objects of class MP in package: MSEtool
## [1] "curEref"   "FMSYref"   "FMSYref50" "FMSYref75" "NFref"

These are indicated by the ‘ref’ in the MP name. Reference MPs do not have implementation error applied to them, and are typically used as a reference for the management performance that is possible under a range of idealized management scenarios (e.g., fishing exactly at FMSY or some fraction of it).

DLMtool MPs

The DLMtool package contains 106 data-limited MPs:

avail('MP', 'DLMtool')
## Searching for objects of class MP in package: DLMtool
##   [1] "AvC"          "AvC_MLL"      "BK"           "BK_CC"        "BK_ML"       
##   [6] "CC1"          "CC2"          "CC3"          "CC4"          "CC5"         
##  [11] "CompSRA"      "CompSRA4010"  "CurC"         "curE"         "curE75"      
##  [16] "DAAC"         "DBSRA"        "DBSRA_40"     "DBSRA4010"    "DCAC"        
##  [21] "DCAC_40"      "DCAC_ML"      "DCAC4010"     "DCACs"        "DD"          
##  [26] "DD4010"       "DDe"          "DDe75"        "DDes"         "DepF"        
##  [31] "DTe40"        "DTe50"        "DynF"         "EtargetLopt"  "Fadapt"      
##  [36] "Fdem"         "Fdem_CC"      "Fdem_ML"      "Fratio"       "Fratio_CC"   
##  [41] "Fratio_ML"    "Fratio4010"   "GB_CC"        "GB_slope"     "GB_target"   
##  [46] "Gcontrol"     "HDAAC"        "ICI"          "ICI2"         "Iratio"      
##  [51] "Islope1"      "Islope2"      "Islope3"      "Islope4"      "IT10"        
##  [56] "IT5"          "Itarget1"     "Itarget1_MPA" "Itarget2"     "Itarget3"    
##  [61] "Itarget4"     "ItargetE1"    "ItargetE2"    "ItargetE3"    "ItargetE4"   
##  [66] "ITe10"        "ITe5"         "ITM"          "L95target"    "LBSPR"       
##  [71] "LBSPR_MLL"    "Lratio_BHI"   "Lratio_BHI2"  "Lratio_BHI3"  "LstepCC1"    
##  [76] "LstepCC2"     "LstepCC3"     "LstepCC4"     "LstepCE1"     "LstepCE2"    
##  [81] "Ltarget1"     "Ltarget2"     "Ltarget3"     "Ltarget4"     "LtargetE1"   
##  [86] "LtargetE4"    "matlenlim"    "matlenlim2"   "MCD"          "MCD4010"     
##  [91] "minlenLopt1"  "MRnoreal"     "MRreal"       "Rcontrol"     "Rcontrol2"   
##  [96] "SBT1"         "SBT2"         "slotlim"      "SPmod"        "SPMSY"       
## [101] "SPslope"      "SPSRA"        "SPSRA_ML"     "YPR"          "YPR_CC"      
## [106] "YPR_ML"

The MPs in DLMtool are classified as data-limited MPs, as they do not include a stock assessment model, and in most cases do not fit a dynamic model to the fishery data (e.g., MPs are constant management recommendations or iterative index-tracking methods).

SAMtool MPs

The SAMtool package contains 12 data-moderate and data-rich MPs:

avail('MP', 'SAMtool')
## Searching for objects of class MP in package: SAMtool
##  [1] "DDSS_4010"  "DDSS_75MSY" "DDSS_MSY"   "SCA_4010"   "SCA_75MSY" 
##  [6] "SCA_MSY"    "SP_4010"    "SP_75MSY"   "SP_MSY"     "SSS_4010"  
## [11] "SSS_75MSY"  "SSS_MSY"

MPs in the SAMtool package include a stock assessment model (class Assess) and a harvest control rule (class HCR). See the Stock Assessment Models section and the SAMtool Help Documentation for more information.