An alternative to importing a Data object from an Excel files is to can create a blank Data
object and fill the slots directly in R. For example:
Madeup <- new('Data') # Create a blank DLM object
Madeup@Name <- 'Test' # Name it
Madeup@Cat <- matrix(20:11*rlnorm(10,0,0.2),nrow=1) # Generate fake catch data
Madeup@Units <- "Million metric tonnes" # State units of catch
Madeup@AvC <- mean(Madeup@Cat) # Average catches for time t (DCAC)
Madeup@t <- ncol(Madeup@Cat) # No. yrs for Av. catch (DCAC)
Madeup@Dt <- 0.5 # Depletion over time t (DCAC)
Madeup@Dep <- 0.5 # Depletion relative to unfished
Madeup@vbK <- 0.2 # VB maximum growth rate
Madeup@vbt0 <- (-0.5) # VB theoretical age at zero length
Madeup@vbLinf <- 200 # VB maximum length
Madeup@Mort <- 0.1 # Natural mortality rate
Madeup@Abun <- 200 # Current abundance
Madeup@FMSY_M <- 0.75 # Ratio of FMSY/M
Madeup@L50 <- 100 # Length at 50% maturity
Madeup@L95 <- 120 # Length at 95% maturity
Madeup@BMSY_B0 <- 0.35 # BMSY relative to unfished