Slots in the Hist object

The Hist object has 8 slots. As it is an S4 object the slots are accessed with the @ symbol, e.g., Hist@Data.


The Data object at the end of the historical period


A numeric data.frame with nsim rows with sampled Stock, Fleet, Obs, and Imp parameters.


A named list with arrays of dimensions: c(nsim, maxage+1, nyears+proyears) or c(nsim, maxage+1, nyears, nareas) nyears+proyears)’ or c(nsim, maxage+1, nyears, nareas)

  • Length: Length-at-age for each simulation, age, and year

  • Weight: Weight-at-age for each simulation, age, and year

  • Select: Selectivity-at-age for each simulation, age, and

  • Retention: Retention-at-age for each simulation, age, and

  • Maturity: Maturity-at-age for each simulation, age, and

  • N.Mortality: Natural mortality-at-age for each

  • Z.Mortality: Total mortality-at-age for each simulation,

  • F.Mortality: Fishing mortality-at-age for each

  • Fret.Mortality: Fishing mortality-at-age for retained

  • Number: Total numbers by simulation, age, year and area

  • Biomass: Total biomass by simulation, age, year and area

  • VBiomass: Vulnerable biomass by simulation, age, year and

  • SBiomass: Spawning biomass by simulation, age, year and

  • Removals: Removals (biomass) by simulation, age, year and

  • Landings: Landings (biomass) by simulation, age, year and

  • Discards: Discards (biomass) by simulation, age, year and


A named list with population and fleet dynamics:

  • Number: Total numbers; array dimensions c(nsim, nyears, nareas)

  • Biomass: Total biomass; array dimensions c(nsim, nyears, nareas)

  • VBiomass: Vulnerable biomass; array dimensions c(nsim, nyears, nareas)

  • SBiomass: Spawning Biomass; array dimensions c(nsim, nyears, nareas)

  • Removals: Removals (biomass); array dimensions c(nsim, nyears, nareas)

  • Landings: Landings (biomass); array dimensions c(nsim, nyears, nareas)

  • Discards: Discards (biomass); array dimensions c(nsim, nyears, nareas)

  • Find: Historical fishing mortality (scale-free); matrix

  • RecDev: Recruitment deviations (historical and

  • Unfished_Equilibrium: A named list with unfished


A named list with biological reference points:

  • ByYear: A named list with asymptotic reference points

  • N0: Asymptotic unfished total number

  • SN0: Asymptotic unfished spawning number

  • B0: Asymptotic unfished total biomass

  • SSB0: Asymptotic unfished spawning biomass

  • VB0: Asymptotic unfished vulnerable biomass

  • MSY: Asymptotic MSY

  • FMSY: Fishing mortality corresponding with asymptotic

  • SSBMSY: Spawning stock biomass corresponding with

  • BMSY: total biomass corresponding with asymptotic MSY

  • VBMSY: Vulnerable biomass corresponding with

  • Dynamic_Unfished: A named list with dynamic unfished

  • N0: Unfished total numbers

  • B0: Unfished total biomass

  • SN0: Unfished spawning numbers

  • SSB0: Unfished spawning biomass

  • VB0: Unfished vulnerable biomass

  • Rec: Unfished recruitment

  • ReferencePoints: A data.frame with nsim rows with with

  • N0: Average unfished numbers

  • B0: Average unfished biomass

  • SSB0: Average unfished spawning biomass (used to

  • SSN0: Average unfished spawning numbers

  • VB0: Average unfished vulnerable biomass (used to

  • MSY: Average maximum sustainable yield (equilibrium)

  • FMSY: Average fishing mortality corresponding with

  • SSBMSY: Average spawning stock biomass corresponding

  • BMSY: Average total biomass corresponding with MSY

  • VBMSY: Average vulnerable biomass corresponding with

  • UMSY: Average exploitation rate corresponding with

  • FMSY_M: Average FMSY/M ratio

  • SSBMSY_SSB0: Average ratio of SSBMSY to SSB0

  • BMSY_B0: Average ratio of BMSY to B0

  • VBMSY_VB0: Average ratio of VBMSY to VB0

  • RefY: Maximum yield obtained in forward projections


A named list with all sampled Stock, Fleet, Obs, and Imp parameters


The OM object (without cpars)


A list for additional information