Total Catch and Effort Sampling

Catches are sampled for both total catch (by weight). Users may add two kinds of sampling error to the simulated data: Lognormally distributed observation error, and directional bias. For example, the Cobs parameter determines the level of precision associated with the catch estimate. The Cbiascv parameter controls directional bias in the estimate.


Observation error around the total catch. Observation error in the total catch is expressed as a coefficient of variation (CV). Cobs requires upper and lower bounds of a uniform distribution, and for each simulation a CV is sampled from this distribution. Each CV is used to specify a log-normal error distribution with a mean of 1 and a standard deviation equal to the sampled CV. The yearly observation error values for the catch data are then drawn from this distribution. For each time step the simulation model records the true catch, but the observed catch is generated by applying this yearly error term (plus any bias, if specified) to the true catch.


Log-normally distributed coefficient of variation controlling the sampling bias in observed catch for each simulation. Bias occurs when catches are systematically skewed away from the true catch level (for example, due to underreporting of catch or undetected illegal catches). Cbiascv is a single value specifying the standard deviation of a log-normal distribution with a mean of 1 and a standard deviation equal to the sampled CV. For each simulation a bias value is drawn from this distribution, and that bias is applied across all years.


Observation error around the total effort. Observation error in the total effort is expressed as a coefficient of variation (CV). Eobs requires upper and lower bounds of a uniform distribution, and for each simulation a CV is sampled from this distribution. Each CV is used to specify a log-normal error distribution with a mean of 1 and a standard deviation equal to the sampled CV. The yearly observation error values for the effort data are then drawn from this distribution. For each time step the simulation model records the true effort, but the observed effort is generated by applying this yearly error term (plus any bias, if specified) to the true effort.


Log-normally distributed coefficient of variation controlling the sampling bias in observed effort for each simulation. Bias occurs when effort is systematically skewed away from the true effort level. Ebiascv is a single value specifying the standard deviation of a log-normal distribution with a mean of 1 and a standard deviation equal to the sampled CV. For each simulation a bias value is drawn from this distribution, and that bias is applied across all years.

Custom Parameters

See Custom Obs Parameters for information on specifying simulation- and year-specific observation error values.

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