Existing operating models are available in the Operating Model Library. The OM Excel files can be downloaded
and imported using XL2OM
described here.
The OMs in the Operating Model Library are also available in the MSEextra
# downloads MSEextra package from GitHub
# load the MSEextra package
The avail
function can be used to determine the OM objects that are available in the R session:
# includes the MSEextra OMs
## Searching for objects of class OM in package: MSEtool
## Searching for objects of class OM in package: SAMtool
## Searching for objects of class OM in package: DLMtool
## Searching for objects of class OM in package: MSEextra
## [1] "testOM" "Almaco_Jack_GOM_NOAA"
## [3] "Banded_Morwong_Tasmania" "Barred_Sand_Bass_CA_CDFW"
## [5] "California_Halibut_CA_CDFW" "Canary_Rockfish_BC_DFO"
## [7] "Gatuzo_Argentina_INIDEP" "Haddock_Faroe_Islands"
## [9] "Hogfish_PR_NOAA" "Jonah_Crab_LFA34_DFO"
## [11] "Lane_Snapper_GOM_NOAA" "Lesser_Amberjack_GOM_NOAA"
## [13] "Pacific_Hake_USCan" "Queen_Triggerfish_STT_NOAA"
## [15] "Red_Drum_GOM_NOAA" "Red_Sea_Urchin_CA_CDFW"
## [17] "Shortspine_Thornyhead_BC_DFO" "Skipjack_IO_IOTC"
## [19] "Snowy_Grouper_GOM_NOAA" "Speckled_Hind_GOM_NOAA"
## [21] "Spiny_Lobster_STX_NOAA" "Stones_Sheep_BC"
## [23] "Stoplight_Parrotfish_STX_NOAA" "Warty_Sea_Cucumber_CA_CDFW"
## [25] "Yelloweye_Rockfish_BC_DFO" "Yellowmouth_Grouper_GOM_NOAA"
## [27] "Yellowtail_Snapper_PR_NOAA"