There are five parameters relating to selectivity at length. Leave any entry blank if the parameter is unknown.
The Selectivity section in the Data Documentation file is indicated with “## Selectivity”. Enter any relevant supporting information for the information in the Selectivity section of the input file here.
Ideally a short paragraph or two with supporting information for data entered in the Data Input file for the selectivity parameters.
Use in-text citations where possible and include references under the “## Reference List” section.
Do not delete or modify the “## Selectivity” heading.
Length at first capture
Numeric entries.
The Length at first capture is an estimate of first length class that is vulnerable to the fishery (and the associated CV).
The example cobia data file assumes a length of first capture of 130 and a CV of 0.2.
Length at full selection
Numeric entries.
The Length at full selection is the first length class that is fully vulnerable to fishing (and the associated CV).
No information is available for the length at full selection for the example cobia data file.
Vulnerability at asymptotic length
Numeric entry.
The Vulnerability at asymptotic length describes that shape of the selectivity curve. Dome-shaped selectivity patterns (Vulnerability at asymptotic length < 1) occurs vulnerability to fishing begins to decrease after reaching a maximum value at some intermediate length.
The example cobia data file assumes asymptotic selectivity (Vulnerability at asymptotic length = 1).