The Project
function takes the Hist object returned by the Simulate
function, projects the fishery system forward in time, and applies the management procedures.
For example:
MPs <- c('AvC', 'DCAC')
MSE <- Project(Hist, MPs=MPs)
As mentioned elsewhere, the runMSE
function is a wrapper for Simulate
and Project
. In other words, this will result in an identical MSE object:
MPs <- c('AvC', 'DCAC')
MSE <- runMSE(OM, MPs=MPs)
## Checking MPs
## Loading operating model
## Note: Maximum age ( 23 ) is lower than assuming 1% of cohort survives
## to maximum age ( 32 )
## Optimizing for user-specified movement
## Optimizing for user-specified depletion in last historical year
## Calculating historical stock and fishing dynamics
## Calculating MSY reference points for each year
## Calculating B-low reference points
## Calculating reference yield - best fixed F strategy
## Simulating observed data
## Running forward projections
## 1 / 2 Running MSE for AvC
## ........................................
## 2 / 2 Running MSE for DCAC
## ........................................
Branched Design
The operating model uses a branched design, where it iteratively applies each Management Procedure. This has the advantage that exactly the same process and observation error values are used for each simulation.
This means the management procedures can be compared on a simulation-by-simulation basis, and any difference in biological or yield outcomes is due only to the properties of the management procedure.