Management Procedures

There are over 100 management procedures (MPs) included in the openMSE packages.

The MPs are grouped into two categories:

  1. Data-Limited: These MPs are in the DLMtool package, and typically use model-free approaches to determine the management recommendations rather than fitting a stock assessment model. More information on the MPs in the DLMtool package is available on the DLMtool documentation page;
  2. Data-Moderate/Rich: These MPs are in the SAMtool package, and are comprised of a stock assessment method linked to a harvest control rule. More information on the MPs in the SAMtool package is available on the SAMtool documentation page;

openMSE is extensible, and users can easily develop their own management procedures to use within the framework. Information on this and other details related to the management procedures is available in the Management Procedure section.

The avail function can be used determine which MPs are available:

allMPs <- avail('MP')
## Searching for objects of class MP in package: MSEtool
## Searching for objects of class MP in package: SAMtool
## Searching for objects of class MP in package: DLMtool
##   [1] "curEref"      "FMSYref"      "FMSYref50"    "FMSYref75"    "NFref"       
##   [6] "DDSS_4010"    "DDSS_75MSY"   "DDSS_MSY"     "SCA_4010"     "SCA_75MSY"   
##  [11] "SCA_MSY"      "SP_4010"      "SP_75MSY"     "SP_MSY"       "SSS_4010"    
##  [16] "SSS_75MSY"    "SSS_MSY"      "AvC"          "AvC_MLL"      "BK"          
##  [21] "BK_CC"        "BK_ML"        "CC1"          "CC2"          "CC3"         
##  [26] "CC4"          "CC5"          "CompSRA"      "CompSRA4010"  "CurC"        
##  [31] "curE"         "curE75"       "DAAC"         "DBSRA"        "DBSRA_40"    
##  [36] "DBSRA4010"    "DCAC"         "DCAC_40"      "DCAC_ML"      "DCAC4010"    
##  [41] "DCACs"        "DD"           "DD4010"       "DDe"          "DDe75"       
##  [46] "DDes"         "DepF"         "DTe40"        "DTe50"        "DynF"        
##  [51] "EtargetLopt"  "Fadapt"       "Fdem"         "Fdem_CC"      "Fdem_ML"     
##  [56] "Fratio"       "Fratio_CC"    "Fratio_ML"    "Fratio4010"   "GB_CC"       
##  [61] "GB_slope"     "GB_target"    "Gcontrol"     "HDAAC"        "ICI"         
##  [66] "ICI2"         "Iratio"       "Islope1"      "Islope2"      "Islope3"     
##  [71] "Islope4"      "IT10"         "IT5"          "Itarget1"     "Itarget1_MPA"
##  [76] "Itarget2"     "Itarget3"     "Itarget4"     "ItargetE1"    "ItargetE2"   
##  [81] "ItargetE3"    "ItargetE4"    "ITe10"        "ITe5"         "ITM"         
##  [86] "L95target"    "LBSPR"        "LBSPR_MLL"    "Lratio_BHI"   "Lratio_BHI2" 
##  [91] "Lratio_BHI3"  "LstepCC1"     "LstepCC2"     "LstepCC3"     "LstepCC4"    
##  [96] "LstepCE1"     "LstepCE2"     "Ltarget1"     "Ltarget2"     "Ltarget3"    
## [101] "Ltarget4"     "LtargetE1"    "LtargetE4"    "matlenlim"    "matlenlim2"  
## [106] "MCD"          "MCD4010"      "minlenLopt1"  "MRnoreal"     "MRreal"      
## [111] "Rcontrol"     "Rcontrol2"    "SBT1"         "SBT2"         "slotlim"     
## [116] "SPmod"        "SPMSY"        "SPslope"      "SPSRA"        "SPSRA_ML"    
## [121] "YPR"          "YPR_CC"       "YPR_ML"

For the purposes of this quick demonstration, we will select 5 management procedures from the DLMtool package and evaluate their performance for the operating model we built in the previous section.

ourMPs <- c("AvC", "BK", "CC1", "DCAC","Islope1") # select 5 MPs

Help documentation for the MP functions can be accessed in the usual way, e.g., by typing ?AvC in the console, or by visiting the DLMtool and SAMtool function documentation pages.

In the next section we will run the MSE using these 5 MPs and the OM we constructed in the previous section.